submit to the annex!
timeframe: submissions for the 2024 journal are open now until
December 1st, 2024 (UTC).
submit link: google form
Hi! We're a literary journal now! If you wanna submit the link is above!
The guidelines are in the form, but it doesnt hurt to reiterate.
You can submit art or writing and we'll choose a few to be put into a zine! We believe in quality over quantity, and based on the number of entries, will likely choose only one piece per creator. When submitting the form, you are agreeing for us to be able to publish your work in the annex journal (it will be attributed to you), as well as confirming you have the rights to do so. Absolutely no AI generated content will be considered for publishing.
Pages will be 8.5x11 inches, but it's okay if your art doesn't meet that exactly; if we have any concerns, we will reach out to you.
In terms of content guidelines, no NSFW/NSFL, but you are free to take some creative liberty. If you are unsure if your work meets the guidelines, reach out to us! We're available on Discord and Twitter. We're more than happy to answer.
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You can submit art or writing and we'll choose a few to be put into a zine! We believe in quality over quantity, and based on the number of entries, will likely choose only one piece per creator. When submitting the form, you are agreeing for us to be able to publish your work in the annex journal (it will be attributed to you), as well as confirming you have the rights to do so. Absolutely no AI generated content will be considered for publishing.
Pages will be 8.5x11 inches, but it's okay if your art doesn't meet that exactly; if we have any concerns, we will reach out to you.
In terms of content guidelines, no NSFW/NSFL, but you are free to take some creative liberty. If you are unsure if your work meets the guidelines, reach out to us! We're available on Discord and Twitter. We're more than happy to answer.
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