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submit to gxllery!

the theme: barely anomalous
the timeframe: Midnight Sept 1st to Midnight Oct 1st (UTC)
submit link: Google Forms

The Rules

Welcome to gxllery! Please read this thoroughly as there is a good chunk of important stuff here :D Some items are highlighted—these are items that you should probably pay attention to, though everything here is important.

Lets set some guidelines. No NSFW, clearly low quality, or copyrighted work/work based off of others (e.g. remixes, fanfics) submitted will be showcased. By uploading your work, you are giving permission to have your work showcased on https://gxllery240.com/.

FYI, the google form to submit has a 10MB storage limit per files, and so we recommend using compressed files if needed.

Please see the acceptable formats below

Submission formats

Digital Art
- .png files are preferable, but .jpg and .webp files will be allowed
- Short animations in the .gif format are fine as well
- Min resolution: 720 x 720px, max: 4096 x 4096*
- Absolutely no AI generated art; gxllery is here to showcase your own skills

Physical art
A high-quality photo uploaded of the art piece, as well as digital art rules.

- Preferably a file such as .mp3 or .flac, but .ogg and .wav will be accepted as well.
- Between 1:00 - 9:00*
- Album cover uploads always appreciated, please keep a 1:1 resolution
- If you used AI to make your album cover, please let us know

Short story
Between 500-5000 words*

just not too long lol have fun with it

*This is less of a hard rule and more of a guideline — if you break it by a bit, there is a good chance you will still get in
Overall, quality over quantity is the most important, but you can submit as many works as you would like! Also, while not a hard rule, it is preferred you wait until after this gxllery goes live to publish on your socials.

Lastly, regarding the theme, it is not a hard an fast rule, not meant to be taken literally; we encourage you to think outside the box on how to incorporate it. It is simply there to guide your creative process, not control it.

Good luck, and most importantly have fun! Lets make some art!!

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